
Justifiability of Littering: An Empirical Investigation

Maria A. García-Valiñas, Alison Macintyre, and Benno Torgler


This paper investigates the relationship between voluntary participation in environmental organisations and the justifiability of littering behaviour. Previous empirical work regarding determinants of littering and littering behaviour remains scarce, particularly in socio-economic analysis. We address these deficiencies, demonstrating a strong empirical link between environmental participation and reduced public littering in the European Values Survey (EVS) data for 30 Western and Eastern European countries. The results suggest that membership in environmental organisations is related to a stronger commitment to anti-littering behaviour, thereby supporting improved environmental quality.


Maria A. García-Valiñas, Alison Macintyre, and Benno Torgler, Justifiability of Littering: An Empirical Investigation, Environmental Values, vol. 21, n. 2, May 2012, pp. 209–231.

See also

Published in

Environmental Values, vol. 21, n. 2, May 2012, pp. 209–231