Michele Bisceglia et Salvatore Piccolo, « On the ratchet effect with product market competition », The RAND Journal of Economics, 2025, à paraître.
Michele Bisceglia, Jorge Padilla, Joe Perkins et Salvatore Piccolo, « Optimal Exit Policy with Uncertain Demand », The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 72, n° 1, mars 2024, p. 516–547.
Michele Bisceglia, « The unbundling of journalism », European Economic Review, vol. 158, n° 104532, septembre 2023.
Michele Bisceglia, Jorge Padilla, Salvatore Piccolo et Pekka Saaskilahti, « On the bright side of market concentration in a mixed-oligopoly healthcare industry », Journal of Health Economics, vol. 90, n° 102771, juillet 2023.
Michele Bisceglia, « Vertical Contract Disclosure in Three‐Tier Industries », The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 71, n° 1, avril 2023, p. 1–46.
Michele Bisceglia, Salvatore Piccolo et Emanuele Tarantino, « M&A advisory and the merger review process », International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 87, n° 102919, mars 2023.
Michele Bisceglia et Jorge Padilla, « On Sellers' Cooperation in Hybrid Marketplaces », Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, vol. 32, n° 1, 2023, p. 207–222.
Michele Bisceglia, Jorge Padilla, Salvatore Piccolo et Shiva Shekhar, « Vertical integration, innovation and foreclosure with competing ecosystems », Information Economics and Policy, vol. 60, n° 100981, septembre 2022.
Michele Bisceglia, Roberto Cellini et Luca Grilli, « On the dynamic optimality of yardstick regulation », Annals of Operations Research, vol. 315, avril 2022, p. 73–92.