Past grant-supported projects

- ERC « Starting Grants »

- ERC « Advanced Grants »


  • 2014-2019Daniel CHEN: NormCommitt - Origins and Effects of Normative Commitments - (Grant n°614708)
  • 2013-2016Marc IVALDI: COEURE - COoperation on EUropean Research in Economic's - (Grant n°320300). TSE is coordinator of this network, leading 9 European research institutes in 8 different countries.
  • 2011-2014Jean-Pierre AMIGUES: GLOBAL IQ - Impacts Quantification of Global changes - (Grant n° 266992). TSE is coordinator of this network, leading 11 European research institutes in 8 different countries.
  • 2011-2014Vincent REQUILLART: TRANSFOP - Transparency of Food Pricing - (Grant n° 265601)


- PROJECT « MARIE SKLODOWSKA-CURIE - Individual Fellowships »

  • 2015-2017Joao CORREIA-DA-SILVA: MASIEGE - Multilateral adverse selection in industrial economics and general equilibrium - (Grant agreement 657283)

- ANR Projects 


  • Adrien BLANCHETMuse – “Multi-displinary study of emergence phenomena” 
  • Pierre DUBOISEARSEPC – “Econometric analysis of the role of scientific evidence on prescription choices”
  • Catarina GOULAOOBEDIS – "Obesity Discrimination in hiring : a natural field experiment"
  • Vincent REQUILLARTBIOMIP – "Bioful and bio-based products : market impacts of technology based on the use of co-products from the food industry"
  • Stéphane STRAUBEleccor – "Corruption memory and electoral behavior in Paraguay"


La Sloan Foundation a attribué une subvention de 3 ans (2018-2021) à Daniel L. Chen pour développer le projet oTree, une plateforme open-source permettant de mettre en œuvre des expériences comportementales interactives en économie, études de marché, psychologie et domaines connexes. oTree est un projet soutenu par American Friends of TSE.