March 29–30, 2011
Toulouse, France
Preceding event
Second Workshop of the Paul Woolley Research Initiative, Toulouse, France, March 17–18, 2010.
Succeeding event
Fourth Workshop of the Paul Woolley Research Initiative, Toulouse, France, April 24–25, 2012.
More information coming soon
List of communications
Andrea Attar (Toulouse School of Economics (IDEI, PWRI)), Thomas Mariotti (Toulouse School of Economics (CNRS, GREMAQ, IDEI)), and François Salanié (Toulouse School of Economics (INRA, LERNA, IDEI)), “Non-Exclusive Competition under Adverse Selection”, Third Workshop of the Paul Woolley Research Initiative, Toulouse, France, March 29–30, 2011.
Bruno Biais (Toulouse School of Economics), and Paul Woolley (London School of Economics), “High Frequency Trading”, Third Workshop of the Paul Woolley Research Initiative, Toulouse, France, March 29–30, 2011.
Lou Dong (London School of Economics), “Cross-Market Timing in Security Issuance”, Third Workshop of the Paul Woolley Research Initiative, Toulouse, France, March 29–30, 2011.
Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics (LERNA and IDEI)), “Discounting, inequalities and economic convergence”, Third Workshop of the Paul Woolley Research Initiative, Toulouse, France, March 29–30, 2011.
Augustin Landier (Toulouse School of Economics), “Do Hedge Funds Manipulate Stock Prices?”, Third Workshop of the Paul Woolley Research Initiative, Toulouse, France, March 29–30, 2011.