Legal information

This page presents the legal texts that apply to all internet users who visit the website. By viewing this page, you undertake to comply with these rules.

Toulouse School of Economics
1,  Esplanade de l'université
310080 Toulouse
Tél : + 33 (0) 5 61 12 85 89

Director of the publication : Yassine Lefouili
Webmaster : Valérie Servières
Crédits graphiques et photographiques : Studio Tchitz  & Olivier Colombe

Web agency: Couleur CITRON
Hosting :Fullsave


  • Copyright and intellectual property:

This website falls under international copyright legislation, brand legislation and, generally speaking, intellectual property laws, both in terms of its content (texts, images, data, pictures, graphics, photos and audio, animations, videos, etc.) and in terms of its format (choices, plans, arrangement, access to data, organisation of data, etc.). This content, which appears on the pages of the website, remains the exclusive property of TSE.

Any reproduction or representation, in part or in full, of the pages, data or any other part of the website, by any process or on any device, is strictly forbidden and, without the express and prior authorisation from the author, will be taken as breach of copyright punishable by articles L335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code.

The brands present on and those of TSE’s partners, as well as the logos appearing on the website, are brands registered in France and/or abroad in their various forms. Any reproduction, in part or in full, of these brands or logos, based on components of the website, without the express and prior authorisation of TSE, is forbidden in application of article L713-2 of the Intellectual Property Code.

Similarly, any use of the website and its content for illegal purposes will be subject to legal proceedings.

In some circumstances, content on the website (texts, images) remains the property of its respective authors. Any reproduction, representation, distribution or redistribution, in part or in full, of the content of the website on any device or by any process, and any sale, resale, retransmission or provision to a third-party by any means, is forbidden. Failure to comply with this rule amounts to a breach of copyright for which the perpetrator may be liable under civil or criminal law.

  • Privacy and Data protection:

Online forms are used to collect your details. In accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, you have the right to modify, rectify and delete personal data about you, which you can request by writing to dataprivacy[a] or by post at the Jean-Jacques Laffont - TSE Foundation, 1 Esplanade de l'Université, 31080 Toulouse cedex 06.

  • Cookies Policy

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