Polygyny and the economic determinants of family formation outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa

February 13, 2023 Development Augustin Tapsoba

Polygyny and the economic determinants of family formation outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa

Carbon tax at the borders, a step forward, but at what price?

January 30, 2023 Taxation Marie-Françoise Calmette

Carbon tax at the borders, a step forward, but at what price?

Transport infrastructure: Ukraine, on the road to recovery

January 20, 2023 Transport Marc Ivaldi

Transport infrastructure: Ukraine, on the road to recovery

Immigration: ces faux débats qui masquent la réalité

January 20, 2023 Public policy Frédéric Cherbonnier

Immigration: ces faux débats qui masquent la réalité

Supergrids: Cooperation must go with the flow

January 19, 2023 Energy Claude Crampes & Nils-Henrik Von Der Fehr

Supergrids: Cooperation must go with the flow

What’s the best way to reduce traffic?

January 19, 2023 Transport Isis Durrmeyer & Nicolas Martinez

What’s the best way to reduce traffic?

Social discrimination in electricity trade

January 06, 2023 Energy Claude Crampes & Stefan Ambec

Social discrimination in electricity trade

How did India’s cash shortage impact mobile payments?

December 13, 2022 Finance & Helia Costa & Mauro Pisu

How did India’s cash shortage impact mobile payments?

Size isn’t everything: Ownership structure and firm risk

December 12, 2022 Risk Silvia Rossetto & Nassima Selmane & Raffaele Staglianò

Size isn’t everything: Ownership structure and firm risk

The windfall profits from renewables

December 08, 2022 Energy Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes

The windfall profits from renewables