Carbon tax à la française

December 13, 2018 Energy Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes

Carbon tax à la française

Oui, un RSE codifié est efficace sur les entreprises

October 25, 2018 COP 21 Frédéric Cherbonnier

Oui, un RSE codifié est efficace sur les entreprises

What type of board creates the most long-term value for US companies?

October 24, 2018 Finance

What type of board creates the most long-term value for US companies?

Financial markets can play a role in the fight against climate change

October 22, 2018 Finance Christian Gollier

Financial markets can play a role in the fight against climate change

Intermittence and flexibility in electricity markets

October 18, 2018 Energy Claude Crampes & Stefan Ambec

Intermittence and flexibility in electricity markets

Will LNG Canada increase greenhouse-gas emissions? It’s complicated.

October 02, 2018 Energy

Will LNG Canada increase greenhouse-gas emissions? It’s complicated.

Learning by doing in the solar panel industry

September 19, 2018 Energy Yassine Lefouili & Claude Crampes

Learning by doing in the solar panel industry

Of lobbyists and men

September 04, 2018 Environment Claude Crampes & Stefan Ambec

Of lobbyists and men

Kavanaugh is radically conservative. Here’s the data to prove it.

July 10, 2018 Politiques publiques Daniel L. Chen

Kavanaugh is radically conservative. Here’s the data to prove it.

Compensating welfare losses from economic disruptions

July 09, 2018 Nicolas Werquin & Aleh Tsyvinski

Compensating welfare losses from economic disruptions