Milo Bianchi, and Marie Brière, “Human-Robot Interactions in Investment Decisions”, Management Science, June 2024, forthcoming.
Yassine Lefouili, Leonardo Madio, and Ying Lei Toh, “Privacy Regulation and Quality-Enhancing Innovation”, The Journal of Industrial Economics, vol. 72, n. 2, June 2024, pp. 662–684.
Volker Nocke, and Patrick Rey, “Consumer Search, Steering and Choice Overload”, Journal of Political Economy, vol. 132, n. 5, May 2024, pp. 1684–1739.
Jérôme Bolte, Laurent Miclo, and Stéphane Villeneuve, “Swarm gradient dynamics for global optimization: the mean-field limit case”, Mathematical Programming, vol. 205, May 2024, p. 661–701.
Mengchen Dong, Jean-François Bonnefon, and Iyad Rahwan, “Toward human-centered AI management: Methodological challenges and future directions”, Technovation, vol. 131, March 2024.
Elisabetta Iossa, Simon Loertscher, Leslie Marx, and Patrick Rey, “Coordination in the Fight Against Collusion”, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, vol. 16, n. 1, February 2024, pp. 224–261.
Marc Ivaldi, Nicolas Petit, and Selçukhan Unekbas, “Killer Acquisitions: Evidence from European Merger Cases”, Antitrust Law Journal, vol. 86-2, 2024, forthcoming.
Daniel L. Chen, Manoj Kumar, Vishal Motwani, and Philip Yeres, “Is Justice Really Blind? And Is It Also Deaf?”, Computational Analysis of Law, 2024, forthcoming.