Energy & Climate Center Newsletters

TSE Reflect is a newsletter that shares our latest research news with decision-makers and TSE partners looking for concrete economic solutions. Once a month, we deliver analyses from our academic community on important current issues in the fields of competition, the digital economy, energy and climate, health, infrastructure and networks, and sustainable finance.

Subscribe and see all past issues

TSE Reflect issues focused on energy & climate:

#June 2024

TSE Reflect - two runners on bridge

  • Is Europe ready for the next energy crisis? by Stefan Ambec
  • Why should firms get energy tax breaks? by Stefan Lamp
  • Designing Markets for Sustainable Energy
  • Who will pay for the green transition?
  • Policy for the Planet
  • Challenge for Corporate Climate Action
  • Food for the future
  • Universities, step up to the plate!

#December 2023

  • What’s the value of sustainability? By Christian Gollier
  • When will hydrogen aircraft be ready for take off? By Estelle Malavolti 
  • Clean energy needs long-term contracts By Claude Crampes, Stefan Ambec & Jean Tirole
  • Do green firms enjoy a lower cost of capital? By Sébastien Pouget
  • Why did energy prices go wild in 2022? By Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes 

#May 2023

  • Can supergrids save the planet? By Stefan Ambec
  • How do markets respond to climate innovation? By Ulrich Hege and Sébastien Pouget
  • Delaying the inevitable by Frédéric Cherbonnier
  • Interview: Charles Weymuller, chief economist at EDF
  • ESG rating flaws undermine climate action with Christian Gollier and Ulrich Hege
  • Rising to environmental challenges: annual report of the TSE Energy & Climate Center
  • Can energy be stored underground? By Claude Crampes and Stefan Ambec 

#November 2022

  • Is it time to tax meat? By Nicolas Treich
  • Can Europe plug its carbon leaks? By Stefan Ambec
  • TSE MAg: How to fast-track green transport
  • Award: Philippe Aghion won the Jean-Jacques Laffont Prize
  • Interview: Pierre-Laurent Lucille, Chief economist at Engie, Engie asks TSE to guide climate efforts
  • Portrait: TSE alumnus Nicolas Listl, Member of the Chief Economist’s Team at DG Energy, 'Using economics to shape EU energy policy'
  • Survey: How should we decarbonize electricity?

#March 2022

  • Energy & Climate Conference: Real-time electricity pricing and the deadly threat of air pollution, By Natalia Fabra and Tatyana Deryugina
  • Winners and losers from green incentives By Isis Durrmeyer
  • Diversifying our gas supply By Stefan Ambec and Claude Crampes
  • Podcast: How does nature interact with the economy? With Matthew Agarwala (Bennett), Cristina Penasco (Cambridge), and Nicols Treich (TSE-IAST-INRAe)
  • Recycling economics By Gilles Lafforgue
  • 2022 Common Good Summit, May 19-20: Climate challenges
  • From ecology to economics By Anouch Missirian 
  • 2021 TSE Energy & Climate Center Annual Report - Impact 2021
  • Can green consumers save the planet? By Stefan Ambec and Philippe De Donder


Prior to 2022, twice-yearly, the Center informed subscribers on research, latest events, news, publications and nominations through the TSE Energy & Climate Center newsletters.