9–10 mai 2003
Toulouse, France
Événement précédent
CSIO/IDEI, "3rd Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Evanston, USA : Northwestern University, 17–18 mai 2002.
Événement suivant
CSIO/IDEI, "5th Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Evanston, USA : Northwestern University, 14–15 mai 2004.
Plus d’informations à venir
Liste des communications
Claude Crampes, « The Role of Hydro Plants in Electricity Markets », CSIO/IDEI, "4th Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Toulouse, France : IDEI, 9–10 mai 2003.
Pierre Dubois, « Risk Sharing with Formal and Informal Contracts : Theory, Semi-Parametric Identification and Estimation », CSIO/IDEI, "4th Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Toulouse, France : IDEI, 9–10 mai 2003.
Niko Matouschek, « The Efficiency of Contractual Trade Restrictions », CSIO/IDEI, "4th Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Toulouse, France : IDEI, 9–10 mai 2003.
Sharon Novak et Scott Stern, « The Impact of Technological Interdependency on Contracting Complementarities : Evidence from Automobile Product Development », CSIO/IDEI, "4th Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Toulouse, France : IDEI, 9–10 mai 2003.
Alessandro Pavan, « Coordination and Policy Traps », CSIO/IDEI, "4th Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Toulouse, France : IDEI, 9–10 mai 2003.
Robert Porter, « Bidding Rings and the Winner's Curse : The Case of Federal Offshore Oil and Gas Leases Auctions », CSIO/IDEI, "4th Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Toulouse, France : IDEI, 9–10 mai 2003.
Jean Tirole, « Patent Pools », CSIO/IDEI, "4th Joint Workshop on Industrial Organization", Toulouse, France : IDEI, 9–10 mai 2003.