We introduce a non zero-sum game between a government and a legislative body to study the optimal level of debt. We succeed in characterising Nash equilibria in the class of Skorokhodreflection policies which implies that the legislator imposes a debt ceiling. In addition, we highlight the importance of the time preferences in the magnitude of the optimal level of the statutory debt ceiling. In particular, we show that laissez-faire policy can be optimal for high values of the legislator’s discount rate.
non-zero-sum game; singular stochastic control; free-boundary problem; debt-to-GDP ratio;
Felix Dammann, Néofytos Rodosthenous et Stéphane Villeneuve, « Debt management game and debt ceiling », TSE Working Paper, n° 23-1430, avril 2023.
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TSE Working Paper, n° 23-1430, avril 2023