Inference in linear panel data models is complicated by the presence of fixed effects when (some of) the regressors are not strictly exogenous. Under asymptotics where the number of cross-sectional observations and time periods grow at the same rate, the within-group estimator is consistent but its limit distribution features a bias term. In this paper we show that a panel version of the moving block bootstrap, where blocks of adjacent cross-sections are resampled with replacement, replicates the limit distribution of the within-group estimator. Confidence ellipsoids and hypothesis tests based on the reverse-percentile bootstrap are thus asymptotically valid without the need to take the presence of bias into account.
Asymptotic bias; bootstrap; dynamic model; fixed effects; inference;
Codes JEL
- C23: Panel Data Models • Spatio-temporal Models
Ayden Higgins et Koen Jochmans, « Inference in Dynamic Models for Panel Data Using The Moving Block Bootstrap », TSE Working Paper, n° 25-1620, février 2025.
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TSE Working Paper, n° 25-1620, février 2025