Document de travail

The Pareto Principle of Optimal Inequality

Antoine Bommier et Stéphane Zuber


The Pareto principle is often viewed as a mild requirement compatible with a variety of value judgements. In particular, it is generally thought that it can accommodate different degress of inequality aversion. We show that this is generally not true in time consistent intertemporal models where some uncertainty prevails.


inequality aversion; Pareto principle; uncertainty;

Codes JEL

  • D6: Welfare Economics
  • D7: Analysis of Collective Decision-Making
  • D81: Criteria for Decision-Making under Risk and Uncertainty


Antoine Bommier et Stéphane Zuber, « The Pareto Principle of Optimal Inequality », TSE Working Paper, n° 09-132, décembre 2009.

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Publié dans

TSE Working Paper, n° 09-132, décembre 2009