
Relationship Lending in Bond Markets? Evidence From Corporate Call Policies

Gregory Weitzner (Mc Gill University)

21 octobre 2024, 11h00–12h30


Salle Auditorium 3

Finance Seminar


Can relationship lending be sustained in public nancial markets? We use rms' call decisions as a laboratory to study this question. After a xed-price call forces existing bondholders to sell their bonds back at below market prices, existing bondholders are far less likely to participate in rms' subsequent bond issuances. The eects are strongest for the largest fund families, such that the call leads to a reduction in their total ownership of these rms' bonds. In turn, rms delay calling their bonds when they have more large fund families in their bondholder base. Finally, rms' borrowing costs are aected by the reputation they develop from their past call decisions. Our results reveal the importance of relationship lending in bond markets and show how rms' nancial policies aect these relationships. *

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