
TSE Debate: Meet the experts - Climate: the next threat?

Jean Tirole, Claude Crampes et Christian Gollier

16 décembre 2020, 17h00


In the midst of the Covid-19 crisis, it is clear that the health of our bodies, economies, and our shared planet are deeply interconnected. Global warming looms as one of greatest, and most urgent, challenges our world faces.

In this special webinar, TSE faculty and climate experts addressed current and future threats, and discussed economic solutions:

  • Claude Crampes  - TSE professor - issues a warning on Europe’s risky bet on hydrogen.

  • Christian Gollier - leading the climate team for President Macron’s economic commission - explains which climate policy solutions he recommends to face the Covid-19 era.

  • Jean Tirole - Nobel laureate & TSE honorary chairman - presents his call for a new climate coalition.

This online event has been fully in English and recorded