Composite minimization involves a collection of smooth functions which are aggregated in a nonsmooth manner. In the convex setting, we design an algorithm by linearizing each smooth component in accordance with its main curvature. The resulting method, called the Multiprox method, consists in solving successively simple problems (e.g., constrained quadratic problems) which can also feature some proximal operators. To study the complexity and the convergence of this method, we are led to prove a new type of qualification condition and to understand the impact of multipliers on the complexity bounds. We obtain explicit complexity results of the form O(1k) involving new types of constant terms. A distinctive feature of our approach is to be able to cope with oracles involving moving constraints. Our method is flexible enough to include the moving balls method, the proximal Gauss–Newton’s method, or the forward–backward splitting, for which we recover known complexity results or establish new ones. We show through several numerical experiments how the use of multiple proximal terms can be decisive for problems with complex geometries.
Jérôme Bolte, Zheng Chen, and Edouard Pauwels, “The multiproximal linearization method for convex composite problems”, Mathematical Programming, vol. 182, July 2020, pp. 1–36.
Published in
Mathematical Programming, vol. 182, July 2020, pp. 1–36