Jérôme Bolte and Edouard Pauwels awarded the 2024 Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization

September 13, 2024 Awards

Congratulations to the 2024 Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization recipients Jérôme Bolte and Edouard Pauwels who received the prize for their article “Conservative set valued fields, automatic differentiation, stochastic gradient methods and deep learning,” published in Mathematical Programming in 2020.

The Lagrange Prize in Continuous Optimization is awarded every three years for an outstanding contribution in the area of continuous optimization published in the six calendar years prior to the award year. The Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS) administers the prize and it is awarded jointly by MOS and SIAM.

"Bolte and Pauwels model the algorithmic differentiation operation via new variational objects called conservative set valued fields. They also conduct the convergence analysis to critical points for non-smooth stochastic first-order methods. Their paper combines techniques from several fields including non-smooth analysis, first-order stochastic approximation, machine learning, and algorithmic differentiation, with a central role played by o-minimal geometry. Bolte and Pauwels thus provide a remarkable theoretical and algorithmic contribution to the field of continuous optimization." Siam news Blog

Jérôme Bolte is a professor at TSE and holds a Chair in Artificial Intelligence at the Artificial Intelligence Institute of Toulouse (ANITI). Edouard Pauwels is a professor at TSE and IUF Junior Member. He teaches applied mathematics, and do research, mostly at the interface of mathematical optimization and artificial intelligence

To know more about Jérôme Bolte's research or Edouard Pauwels' research, please have a look on their TSE webpage.

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