February 6th, Business Talk with Matthieu Maurin (Iceberg Data Lab)

February 06, 2025 Events

The careers service is pleased and honored to welcome Matthieu Maurin, CEO of the company Iceberg Data Lab who will be giving a Business Talk on Thursday 06 February at 5pm.

Title: Compass for competitivity and sustainability : the pivotal role of ESG Data

We are honored to host him and look forward to an insightful session.

These talks are an essential element in students’ curriculum, to make them develop their economic culture, learn how the knowledge they acquire in TSE helps to tackle important questions, and discover employment opportunities by being exposed to researchers and practitioners, in a diverse range of topics, fields and jobs.



Financing needs for the ecological transition reach trillions of euros and require full mobilization of private markets. To ensure an efficient capital allocation and measure its efficiency in reaching Climate and Nature conservation's targets, Financial institutions need data to appraise the Climate and Biodiversity impacts of their portfolios. That explains the growth of the ESG Data sector since ten years, to support that integration. 

However, for lack of reporting standards, data quality and availability have been rather problematic. That presentation will stress what is at stake regarding the access to comprehensive, reliable ESG Data, as wrong signals could lead to higher transaction costs, wrong capital allocation decision and greenwashing.

It will also describe what is the work of a Fintech specialized in ESG Data, the new jobs (ESG Modellers and Analysts) and career paths opened in that sector.

Contact : careers@tse-fr.eu