
Individual Human Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Exhibit Intraclonal Heterogeneity during Sustained Killing

Claire Christophe, Loïc Dupré, Sébastien Gadat, Delphine Guipouy, Sabina Müller, Salvatore Valitutti, Zilton Vasconcelos, and Wong Yu


The killing of antigen-bearing cells by clonal populations of cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) is thought to be a rapid phenomenon executed uniformly by individual CTLs. We combined bulk and single-CTL killing assays over a prolonged time period to pro-vide the killing statistics of clonal human CTLs against an excess of target cells. Our data reveal efficiency in sustained killing at the population level, which relied on a highly heterogeneous multiple killing performance at the individual level. Although intraclonal functional heterogeneity was a stable trait in clonal populations, it was reset in the progeny of individual CTLs. In-depth mathematical analysis of individual CTL killing data revealed a substantial pro-portion of high-rate killer CTLs with burst killing activity. Importantly, such activity was delayed and required activation with strong antigenic stimulation. Our study implies that functional heterogeneity al-lows CTL populations to calibrate prolonged cytotoxic activity to the size of target cell populations.


Zilton Vasconcelos, Sabina Müller, Y. Wong, C. Christophe, Sébastien Gadat, S. Valitutti, and Loïc Dupré, Individual human cytotoxic T Lymphocytes exhibit intraclonal heterogeneity in cumulative killing, TSE Working Paper, n. 14-538, November 2014.


Claire Christophe, Loïc Dupré, Sébastien Gadat, Delphine Guipouy, Sabina Müller, Salvatore Valitutti, Zilton Vasconcelos, and Wong Yu, Individual Human Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes Exhibit Intraclonal Heterogeneity during Sustained Killing, Cell Reports, vol. 11, n. 9, June 9, 2015, pp. 1474–1485.

Published in

Cell Reports, vol. 11, n. 9, June 9, 2015, pp. 1474–1485