
TSE for international studies

  TSE offers an innovative graduate program in economics entirely taught in English and a doctoral program modelled on the top American universities.

Students benefit from a teaching environment which is truly cosmopolitan and open:

  • More than 45% of foreign students (90 different nationalities are represented)
  • 47% of TSE graduates find their first job abroad
  • 30 % of international Professors-Researchers

To find out more :

Mutual enriching study experience

Each year the TSE school plays host students from over 50 European and International Universities, as part of the Erasmus exchange programme and bilateral agreements.

Choice of courses at the Toulouse School of Economics – TSE

In order to prepare the choice of courses before arriving to Toulouse, it is recommended to have a look at the open course lists:

- The open course list 2024-2025 for students who are coming from a TSE partner university
They can follow courses from the first year in “Licence 1 Economie, Economie et gestion” to the Master 1 in Economics, international track (syllabi will be available in September). All Master 2 courses are closed to the exchange students.

- The open course list 2024-2025 for exchange students registered at TSM Faculty, the Law Faculty and AES Faculty
Students will only be allowed to follow courses from the first year in our "Licence 1 Economie, Economie et Gestion" and from the second year in our "Licence 2 Economie et Gestion" (syllabi will be available from October). These courses are completely taught in French.

A pre-selection on these course choices begins before arriving at TSE, notably the requirements in mathematics.

A B2 level in English and/or a B2 level in French is required.

A compulsory information meeting will be held Friday 30 August (at 10:00) at the TSE building Amphitheater Jean-Jacques Laffont, ground floor (1 Esplanade de l'Université). In the second semester, there will be no information meeting.

To find out more: academic calendar for 2024-2025 

Note: It is recommended not to book flights too early. Changes in the exam schedules may occur.
Other faculties or components of UT Capitole may have a different calendar.

Before arrival

The International and European Relations office (SCREI) of the University Toulouse Capitole is in charge of all exchange students. Useful information regarding studies and stay in Toulouse are available on the University website UT1 under the heading “Incoming Students.


To apply, students must do their registration online at the following address:

Useful contacts

Toulouse Capitole University

Toulouse School of Economics – TSE

Academic Coordinators for the Incoming Mobility : Lucie Bottega or David Alary

Mobility and International relations officer: Geneviève DOUMENG

Partnerships: Seize the opportunity!

The school focusses on developing international partnerships with the best universities in the world. Thanks to these agreements, every year more than 50 students leave TSE to study abroad for a gap year.




WU Vienna university**

- Université Libre de Bruxelles*
KU Leuven University *
- Université Catholique de Louvain*


University of National and World Economy (UNWE)**

Czech Republic
- Charles University - Prague*

- University of Copenhagen 

- Hanken school of economics

- University of Bonn
- University of Humboldt, Berlin*
- University of Ludwig-Maximilians, Munich*  
- University of Mannheim*

- University of Verona 
- University of Pavia
- University of Bocconi
Tor Vergata Università degli studi di Roma
- Luiss university**


- Trinity College Dublin

-  Norwegian School of Economics
- University of Oslo* 

- University of Warsaw

- University of Nova - Lisbon
- University Institute of Lisbon

- University of Bern 

- Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona* 
- Carlos III University of Madrid
- University of Barcelona
Universidad del Pais Vasco (Lejona)

The Netherlands
- Maastricht University
- University of Tilburg 
- Erasmus School of Economics - Rotterdam

- University of Bogaziçi, Istanbul*
- University of Bilkent, Ankara

- EPGE, Rio de Janeiro

- BCI Programme
- University of Montréal*
- University of Québec (UQAM)

-  Renmin University of China
-  Tsinghua University
-  Wuhan University,
-  Zhejiang school of Economics
-  Pekin University - Guanghua School of Management
-  Hong Kong University, Faculty of Business and Economics

- University of Los Andes, Bogotá
- University del Rosario, Bogotá

- Instituto Technologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM)

- Keio University, Tokyo 
- Meiji University, Tokyo
- Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo 

- University of Bristol
- London – City University 

United States of America
- Dickinson College, Pennsylvania
Vassar College, New York

* Credits recognized

** Member of the Alliance Engage EU