July 23, 2015
Je rêvais d’un autre monde
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June 02, 2015
To each his/her own capacity
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June 01, 2015
Electric islands
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April 30, 2015
Green subsidies for energy intensive industries
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March 24, 2015
Electrons without borders
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February 27, 2015
Price Discrimination
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February 19, 2015
Disappearance of a giant
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February 10, 2015
Wat€r Mu$ic
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January 11, 2015
The disappearing demand response bonus
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January 05, 2015
Jean Tirole: imperfect competition and regulation of the electric power industry
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Christelle Fauchié
E-mail : see the e-mail
Tel : +33 (0)5 61 12 85 97
Office : T.617