Claire Borsenberger, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Denis Joram, and Bernard Roy, “Funding the Cost of Universal Service in a Liberalized Postal Sector”, in Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Edward Edgar Publishing, chapter 14, 2010, pp. 220–334.
Helmuth Cremer, Firouz Gahvari, and Norbert Ladoux, “Environmental Tax Design with Endogenous Earning Abilities (with Applications to France)”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 59, n. 1, January 2010, pp. 82–93.
Helmuth Cremer, and Pierre Pestieau, “Longevity and annuities: An introduction”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 12, n. 1, 2010, pp. 1–5.
Georges Casamatta, Helmuth Cremer, and Philippe De Donder, “Repeated electoral competition over non-linear income tax schedules”, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 35, 2010, pp. 535–574.
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Paul Dudley, and Frank Rodriguez, “On the Value Added Taxation Status of National Postal Operators”, The Review of Network Economics, vol. 8, n. 3, September 2009, pp. 233–254.
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Dario Maldonado, and Pierre Pestieau, “Forced Saving, Redistribution and Non Linear Social Security Scheme”, Southern Economic Journal, vol. 76, n. 1, July 2009, pp. 86–98.
Helmuth Cremer, Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, and Pierre Pestieau, “Use and Misuse of Unemployment Benefits for Early Retirement”, European Journal of Political Economy, Elsevier, vol. 25, n. 2, June 2009, pp. 174–185.
Helmuth Cremer, and Pierre Pestieau, “Piracy Prevention and the Pricing of Information Goods”, Information Economics and Policy, vol. 21, n. 1, February 2009, pp. 34–42.
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Paul Dudley, and Frank Rodriguez, “Some Welfare and Pricing Implications of Alternative Regimes for Value-Added Taxation in Postal Services”, in Progress in the Competitive Agenda in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2009, pp. 145–162.
François Boldron, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Denis Joram, and Bernard Roy, “Network Externalities and the Universal Service Obligation: A Two Sided Market Approach”, in Progress in the Competitive Agenda in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Edward Elgar, 2009.
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Dario Maldonado, and Pierre Pestieau, “Designing a Linear Pension Scheme with Forced Savings and Wage Heterogeneity ”, International Tax and Public Finance, vol. 15, n. 5, December 2008, pp. 547–562.
Helmuth Cremer, and Pierre Pestieau, “Pensions with Heterogenous Individuals and Endogenous Fertility”, Journal of Population Economics, vol. 21, n. 4, October 2008, pp. 961–981.
François Boldron, Helmuth Cremer, Bernard Roy, and Étienne de Villemeur, “Worksharing: A Calibrated Model”, The Review of Network Economics, vol. 7, n. 2, June 2008, pp. 272–293.
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Paul Dudley, and Frank Rodriguez, “Price Controls in the Postal Sector: A Welfare Analysis of Alternative Control Structures”, The Review of Network Economics, vol. 7, n. 2, June 2008, pp. 247–271.
Helmuth Cremer, Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, and Pierre Pestieau, “Social Desirability of Earnings Tests”, German Economic Review, vol. 9, n. 2, May 2008, pp. 114–134.
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, and Firouz Gahvari, “Political Competition within and between Parties: An Application to Environmental Policy”, Journal of Public Economics, vol. 92, n. 3, April 2008, pp. 532–547.
François Boldron, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Denis Joram, and Bernard Roy, “Social Costs and Benefits of the Universal Service Obligation in the Postal Market (part I)”, in Competition and Regulation in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, chapter 2, 2008, pp. 23–35.
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Paul Dudley, and Frank Rodriguez, “Pricing, Welfare and Organisational Constraints for Postal Operators (part III)”, in Competition and Regulation in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, chapter 11, 2008, pp. 150–166.
Helmuth Cremer, Jean-Marie Lozachmeur, and Pierre Pestieau, “Social Security and Retirement Decision. A Positive and Normative Approach”, Journal of Economic Surveys, vol. 22, n. 2, December 2007, pp. 213–233.
Helmuth Cremer, Bernard Roy, Joëlle Toledano, and Étienne de Villemeur, “Worksharing, Access and Bypass: The Structure of Prices in the Postal Sector”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol. 32, n. 1, August 2007.
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