Frédérique Fève, and Jean-Pierre Florens, “Une modélisation probabiliste de registres de donneurs de moelle osseuse et des banques de sang de cordon”, Revue Économique, vol. 61, n. 3, 2010, pp. 613–622.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Erwann Sbaï, “Local Identification in Empirical Games of Incomplete Information”, Econometric Theory, vol. 26, n. 6, 2010, pp. 1638–1662.
François Boldron, Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Sébastien Lecou, “Some Dynamic Models for Mail Demand: the French Case”, in Heightening Competition in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Edward Edgar Publishing, chapter 7, 2010, pp. 99–115.
Christophe Bontemps, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Jean-François Richard, “Encompassing in Regresson Models: Parametric and Non-parametric Procedures”, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, vol. 70, n. 1, December 2008, pp. 751–780.
Olivier Armantier, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Jean-François Richard, “Approximation of Bayesian Nash Equilibrium”, Journal of Applied Econometrics, vol. 23, n. 7, November 2008, pp. 965–981.
Jean-Pierre Florens, James J. Heckman, Costas Meghir, and Edward Vytlacil, “Identification of Treatment Effects Using Control Functions in Model with Continuous Endogenous Treatment and Heterogenous Effects”, Econometrica, vol. 76, n. 5, September 2008, pp. 1191–1206.
Catherine Cazals, Paul Dudley, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Frank Rodriguez, “Delivery Offices Cost Frontier: a Robust Non Parametric Approach with Exogenous Variables ”, The Review of Network Economics, vol. 7, n. 2, June 2008, pp. 294–308.
Abdelaati Daouia, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Léopold Simar, “Functional Convergence of Quantile-type Frontiers with Application to Parametric Approximations”, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, vol. 138, n. 3, March 2008, pp. 708–725.
Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens, Frank Rodriguez, and Soterios Soteri, “Forecast Uncertainty in Dynamic Models - An Application to the Demand for Mail (part II)”, in Competition and Regulation in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, chapter 5, 2008.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Anne Vanhems, “Is it Always Optimal to Impose Constraints on Nonparametric Functional Estimators? Some Evidence on the Smoothing Parameter Choice”, in Functional and Operatorial Statistics, Sophie Dabo-Niang, and Frédéric Ferraty (eds.), Physica-Verlag HD, chapter 27, 2008, pp. 173–179.
Marine Carrasco, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Eric Renault, “Linear Inverse Problems in Structural Econometrics: Estimation Based on Spectral Decomposition and Regularization”, in Handbook of Econometrics, James J. Heckman, and Edward Leamer (eds.), North Holland, vol. 6, chapter 77, 2006, pp. 5638–5751.
Catherine Cazals, Frédérique Fève, Patrick Fève, and Jean-Pierre Florens, “Simple Structural Econometrics of Price Elasticity ”, Economics Letters, Elsevier, vol. 86, n. 1, January 2005, pp. 1–6.
Catherine Cazals, Frédérique Fève, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Bernard Roy, “Delivery Costs II: Back to Parametric Models”, in Regulatory and Economics Challenges in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Boston: Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, 2005.
Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Soterios Soteri, “Delivery Costs for Postal Services in the UK: Some Results on Scale Economies with Panel Data”, in Regulatory and Economics Challenges in the Postal and Delivery Sector, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Boston: Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, 2005, pp. 203–212.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Léopold Simar, “Parametric Approximations of Nonparametric Frontiers”, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 124, n. 1, January 2005, pp. 91–116.
Serge Darolles, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Christian Gouriéroux, “Kernel Based Nonlinear Canonical Analysis and Time Reversibility”, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 119, n. 2, April 2004, pp. 323–353.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Joëlle Toledano, “Introduction au Chapitre 2 - La demande”, in Economie Postale: les Fondements, Joëlle Toledano (ed.), Paris: Economica, 2004, pp. 43–49.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Sarah Marcy, and Joëlle Toledano, “La demande de courrier à court et long terme”, in Economie Postale: les Fondements, Joëlle Toledano (ed.), Paris: Economica, 2004, pp. 50–71.
Catherine Cazals, and Jean-Pierre Florens, “Econométrie de la demande de courrier, Comparaison entre données en coupe instantanée et données dynamiques”, in Economie Postale: les Fondements, Joëlle Toledano (ed.), Paris: Economica, 2004, pp. 72–87.
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