Jean-Pierre Florens, and Bernard Roy, “Introduction au Chapitre 3 - Les coûts”, in Economie Postale: les Fondements, Joëlle Toledano (ed.), Paris: Economica, 2004, pp. 103–115.
Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens, Séverine Rouzaud, and Marc de Rycke, “Monopole naturel et économies d'échelle dans la distribution postale, Une comparaison des approches paramétriques et non paramétriques”, in Economie Postale: les Fondements, Joëlle Toledano (ed.), Paris: Economica, 2004, pp. 116–132.
Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Bernard Roy, “Une analyse de certains inducteurs de coût spécifiques à l'activité de distribution de courrier”, in Economie Postale: les Fondements, Joëlle Toledano (ed.), Paris: Economica, 2004, pp. 133–149.
Helmuth Cremer, Jean-Pierre Florens, André Grimaud, Sarah Marcy, Bernard Roy, and Joëlle Toledano, “Entrée et concurrence sur le marché postal, Méthodologie pour la construction de scénarios d'entrée”, in Economie Postale: les Fondements, Joëlle Toledano (ed.), Paris: Economica, 2004, pp. 263–280.
Catherine Cazals, Pascale Duchemin, Jean-Pierre Florens, Bernard Roy, and Olivier Vialaneix, “Une étude économétrique des élasticités du coût de production des guichets postaux”, in Economie Postale: les Fondements, Joëlle Toledano (ed.), Paris: Economica, 2004, pp. 201–210.
Anne Cambon-Thomsen, Frédérique Fève, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Pierre-Antoine Gourraud, “Model of Donors Registries Optimal HLA Composition”, Genes and Immunity, vol. 5, n. 1, 2004.
Jean-Pierre Florens, V. Marimoutou, and A. Peguin, Économétrie - Modélisation et Inférence, Paris: Armand Colin, 2004, 255 pages.
Jean-Pierre Florens, “Inverse Problems and Structural Econometrics: The Example of Instrumental Variables”, in Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications - Eight World Congress, Mathias Dewatripont, Lars Peter Hansen, and Stephen J. Turnovsky (eds.), Cambridge University Press, series “Econometric Society Monographs”, April 2003.
Catherine Cazals, and Jean-Pierre Florens, “Econometrics of Mail Demand: A Comparison between Cross-Section and Dynamic Data”, in Postal and Delivery Services: Delivering on Competition, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, vol. 44, 2003, pp. 119–140.
Jean-Pierre Florens, “Some Technical Issues Defining Causality”, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 112, n. 1, 2003, pp. 127–128.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Sarah Marcy, and Joëlle Toledano, “Mail Demand in the Long and Short Term”, in Postal and Delivery Services: Pricing, Productivity, Regulation and Strategy, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, vol. 41, chapter 10, 2002, pp. 171–190.
Catherine Cazals, Pascale Duchemin, Jean-Pierre Florens, Bernard Roy, and Olivier Vialaneix, “An Econometric Study of Cost Elasticity in the Activities of Post Office Counters”, in Postal and Delivery Services: Pricing, Productivity, Regulation and Strategy, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, vol. 41, 2002, pp. 161–170.
Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Léopold Simar, “Nonparametric Frontier Estimation: A Robust Approach”, Journal of Econometrics, vol. 106, n. 1, January 2002, pp. 1–25.
Marine Carrasco, and Jean-Pierre Florens, “Simulation-Based Method of Moment and Efficiency”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, vol. 20, n. 4, 2002, pp. 482–492.
Serge Darolles, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Christian Gouriéroux, “Factor ARMA Representation of Markov Process”, Economics Letters, vol. 71, n. 2, May 2001, pp. 165–171.
Helmuth Cremer, Jean-Pierre Florens, André Grimaud, Sarah Marcy, Bernard Roy, and Joëlle Toledano, “Entry and Competition in the Postal Market: Fondations for the Construction of Entry Scenarios”, Journal of Regulatory Economics, vol. 19, n. 2, March 2001, pp. 107–121.
Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens, and Bernard Roy, “An Analysis of Some Specific Cost Drivers in the Delivrey Activity”, in Future Direction in Postal Reform, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, 2001, pp. 197–212.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Sarah Marcy, and Marc de Rycke, “Mail Use by Firms”, in Future Direction in Postal Reform, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, 2001, pp. 213–232.
Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, Jean-Pierre Florens, André Grimaud, and Frank Rodriguez, “Uniform Pricing and Postal Market Liberalization”, in Future Direction in Postal Reform, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, 2001, pp. 141–163.
Marine Carrasco, and Jean-Pierre Florens, “Generalisation of GMM to a Continuum of Moment Conditions”, Economic Theory, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, vol. 16, n. 6, December 2000, pp. 797–834.
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