Jean-Pierre Florens, Michel Mouchart, and Jean-Marie Rolin, “Semi and Non Parametric Bayesian Analysis of Duration Models: A Survey”, International Statistical Review, vol. 67, 1999, pp. 187–210.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Eric Renault, and Nizar Touzi, “Testing for Embeddability by Stationary Scalar Diffusions”, Econometric Theory, vol. 14, 1998, pp. 744–769.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Philippe Gaspar, “Estimation of the Sea State Bias in Radar Altimeter Measurements of Sea Level : Results from a Non-Parametric Method”, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 103, n. 15, 1998, pp. 803–814.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Marie-Anne Hugo, and Jean-François Richard, “Game Theory Econometric Models: Application to Procurements in the Space Industry”, European Economic Review, Elsevier, 1997, pp. 951–960.
Catherine Cazals, Jean-Pierre Florens, Séverine Rouzaud, and Marc de Rycke, “Scale Economies and Natural Monopoly in the Postal Delivery: Comparison between Parametric and Non Parametric Specifications”, in Managing Change in the Postal and Delivery Industries, Michael A. Crew, and Paul R. Kleindorfer (eds.), Springer, series “Topics in Regulatory Economics and Policy”, vol. 25, chapter 4, 1997, pp. 65–82.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Marc Ivaldi, and Sophie Larribeau, “Sobolev Estimation of Approximate Regressions”, Econometric Theory, vol. 12, n. 5, December 1996, pp. 753–772.
Jean-Pierre Florens, D. Hendry, and Jean-François Richard, “Encompassing and Specificity”, Econometric Theory, vol. 12, n. 4, October 1996, pp. 620–656.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Denis Fougère, “Non Causality in Continuous Time”, Econometrica, vol. 64, n. 5, 1996, pp. 1195–1212.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Marc Ivaldi, and Sophie Larribeau, “The Diffusion of Telephone in Spain”, Revista Española de Economía, vol. 12, 1995, pp. 3–34.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Thierry Kamionka, “Analyse des biographies individuelles : Elements de modélisation et exemples de résultats”, in Trajectoires Sociales et Inégalités-Recherches sur les Conditions de Vie, Toulouse: ERES, 1995, pp. 273–296.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Denis Fougère, and Michel Mouchart, “Duration models”, in The Econometrics of Panel Data, Laszlo Matyas, and Patrick Sevestre (eds.), 2nd edition, Kluwer, series “Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics”, vol. 46, 1995, pp. 491–534.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Denis Fougère, “Point processes”, in The Econometrics of Panel Data, Laszlo Matyas, and Patrick Sevestre (eds.), 2nd edition, Kluwer, series “Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Econometrics”, vol. 46, 1995, pp. 537–572.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Sophie Larribeau, and Michel Mouchart, “Bayesian Encompassing Test of a Unit Root Hypothesis”, Econometric Theory, 1994, pp. 747–763.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Michel Mouchart, and Jean-Marie Rolin, “Non Causality and Marginalization of Markov Processes”, Econometric Theory, vol. 9, 1993, pp. 239–260.
Jean-Pierre Florens, and Michel Mouchart, “Bayesian Testing and Testing Bayesian”, in Handbook of Statistics, G.S. Maddala (ed.), North Holland, vol. 10, 1992, pp. 303–334.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Marc Ivaldi, Jean-Jacques Laffont, and François Laisney (eds.), Microeconometrics: Surveys and Applications, Basil Blackwell, 1991, 455 pages.
Jean-Pierre Florens, Michel Mouchart, and Jean-Marie Rolin, Elements of Bayesian Statistics, New York: M. Dekker, 1990.
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