Jonathan Stieglitz, Felicia C. Madimenos, Melissa Liebert, Tara J. Cepon-Robins, Samuel Urlacher, J. Josh Snodgrass, and Lawrence Sugiyama, “Disparities in bone density across contemporary Amazonian forager‐horticulturalists: Cross‐population comparison of the Tsimane and Shuar”, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 171, n. 1, January 2020, pp. 50–64.
Michael Gurven, Astrid Hopfensitz, Hillard Kaplan, and Jonathan Stieglitz, “Why household inefficiency? An experimental approach to assess spousal resource distribution preferences in a subsistence population undergoing socioeconomic change”, Evolution and Human Behavior, vol. 38, n. 1, January 2017, pp. 71–81.
Michael Gurven, Hillard Kaplan, Felicia C. Madimenos, and Jonathan Stieglitz, “Calcaneal quantitative ultrasound indicates reduced bone status among physically active adult forager-horticulturalists”, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, vol. 31, n. 3, March 2016, pp. 663–671.
Bret A. Beheim, Aaron D. Blackwell, Michael Gurven, Paul L. Hooper, Hillard Kaplan, M. Martin, Jonathan Stieglitz, M. Tamayo, and Benjamin C. Trumble, “Helminth infection, fecundity, and age of first pregnancy in women”, Science, vol. 350, n. 6263, November 20, 2015, pp. 970–972.
Bret A. Beheim, Michael Gurven, Hillard Kaplan, Felicia C. Madimenos, Jonathan Stieglitz, and Benjamin C. Trumble, “Low Mineral Density of a Weight-Bearing Bone Among Adult Women in a High Fertility Population”, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, vol. 156, n. 4, April 2015, pp. 637–648.
Edhitt Cortez Linares, Daniel Eid Rodriguez, Michael Gurven, Hillard Kaplan, Jonathan Stieglitz, and Benjamin C. Trumble, “Challenging the Inevitability of Prostate Enlargement: Low Levels of Benign Prostatic: Hyperplasia among Tsimane forager-horticulturalists”, Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, 2015.