Marc Ivaldi, Bruno Jullien, Patrick Rey, Paul Seabright, and Jean Tirole, “The Economics of Tacit Collusion in Merger Analysis”, in The Political Economy of Antitrust, Vivek Ghosal, and Johan Stennek (eds.), Elsevier Science, chapter 8, March 2007.
Marc Ivaldi, Patrick Rey, Paul Seabright, and Jean Tirole, “The Economics of Tacit Collusion: Implications for Merger Control”, in The Political Economy of Antitrust, Vivek Ghosal, and Johan Stennek (eds.), Elsevier Science, March 2007, pp. 217–240.
Steven Fries, Damien Neven, Paul Seabright, and Anita Taci, “Market Entry, Privatisation and Bank Performance in Transition”, The Economics of Transition, vol. 14, n. 4, October 2006, pp. 579–610.
Mathias Dewatripont, and Paul Seabright, “Wasteful Public Spending and State Aid Control”, Journal of the European Economic Association, vol. 4, n. 2-3, May 2006, pp. 513–522.
Colin Rowat, and Paul Seabright, “Intermediation by Aid Agencies”, Journal of Development Economics, vol. 79, n. 2, April 2006, pp. 469–491.
Jrissy Motis, Damien Neven, and Paul Seabright, “Efficiency in Merger Control”, in European Merger Control: Do we need an Efficiency Defence?, Fabienne Ilzkovitz, and Roderick Meiklejohn (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, March 2006.
Paul Seabright, “The Evolution of Fairness Norms: An Essay on Ken Binmore's Natural Justice”, Politics, Philosophy & Economics, vol. 5, n. 1, February 2006, pp. 33–50.
Paul Seabright, In Compagnia Degli Estranei. Una Storia Naturale Della Vita Economica, Torino: Codice Edizioni, 2005.
Paul Seabright, “European and National Champions: Burden or Blessing?”, CES-Ifo Bulletin, vol. 6, n. 2, Summer, pp. 52–55.
Paul Seabright, The Company of Strangers: A Natural History of Economic Life, Princeton University Press, May 2004, 255 pages.
Paul Seabright, “Blood and Bribes: Ethical Restraints to Trade”, in Globalization, Culture and the Limits of the Market, Stephen Cullenberg, and Prasanta Pattanaik (eds.), Oxford University Press, 2004.
Paul Seabright, “Comments on Sugden and Gambetta”, in Perspectives on Imitation, Nick Chater, and Susan Hurley (eds.), Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, 2004.
Paul Seabright, “Conflicts of Objectives and Task Allocation in Aid Agencies: general issues and applications to the European Union”, in The Institutional Economics of Foreign Aid, Bertin Martens (ed.), Cambridge University Press, April 2002.
Charles Ng, and Paul Seabright, “Competition, Privatisation and Productive Efficiency: Evidence from the Airline Industry”, The Economic Journal, vol. 111, n. 473, July 2001.
Paul Seabright (ed.), The Vanishing Rouble: Barter Networks and Non-Monetary Transactions in Post-Soviet Societies, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000, 402 pages.
Pontus Brunerhjelm, Riccardo Faini, Victor Norman, Frances Ruane, and Paul Seabright, Integration and the Regions of Europe: How the Right Policies can Prevent Polarisation, London: Center for Economic Policy Research, 2000.
Wendy Carlin, Steven Fries, Mark Schaffer, and Paul Seabright, “Barter and Non-Monetary Transactions in Transition Economies: Evidence from a Cross-Country Survey”, in The Vanishing Rouble: Barter Networks and Non-Monetary Transactions in Post-Soviet Societies, Paul Seabright (ed.), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, chapter 4, 2000, pp. 93–113.