Talks of the 2020-2022 academic year

Tuesday, December 6, 2022: Amelia Fletcher (University of East Anglia), "International Pro-Competition Regulation of Digital Platforms: Healthy Experimentation or Dangerous Fragmentation?
Moderator: David Salant (TSE). Discussant: Paul Belleflamme (UC Louvain)
- Tuesday, November 1, 2022: Devesh Raval (Harvard Law School), "Steering in One Click: Platform Self-Preferencing in the Amazon Buy Box"
Moderator: Tiffany Tsai (National University of Singapore). Discussant: Leon Musolff (Microsolf Research)
- Tuesday, October 4, 2022: Mehmet Ekmekci (Boston College), “Platform Competition and Interoperability: The Net Fee Model” (with Alexander White and Lingxuan Wu)
Moderator: Greg Taylor (University of Oxford). Discussant: Bruno Jullien (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Tuesday, September 6, 2022: Joel Waldfogel (University of Minnesota) "GDPR and the Lost Generation of Innovative Apps" (with Rebecca Janben, Reinhold Kesler and Michael E. Kummer)
Moderator: Ginger Zhe Jin (University of Maryland). Discussant: Christian Peukert (Universit of Lausanne)
- August 2022: Holiday break
- Tuesday, July 26, 2022: Ulrich Laitenberger (Telecom Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris), "Bye-box: An Analysis of Non-Promotion on the Amazon Marketplace" (with Matthias Hunold and Guillaume Thébaudin)
Moderator: Tiffany Tsai (National University of Singapore). Discussant: Devesh Raval (Federal Trade Commission)
- Tuesday, July 12, 2022: Leonardo Madio (University of Padova), "Platform Liability and Innovation" (with Doh-Shin Jeon and Yassine Lefouili)
Moderator: Greg Taylor (University of Oxford). Discussant: Xinyu Hua (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Tuesday, June 28, 2022: Andrey Fradkin (Boston University), "Do Incentives to Review Help the Market? Evidence from a Field Experiment on Airbnb" (with David Holtz)
Moderator: Chiara Farronato (Harvard Business School). Discussant: Tobias Klein (Tilburg University)
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- Tuesday, June 14, 2022: Michael Sockin (University of Texas at Austin), "Decentralization Through Tokenization" (with Wei Xiong)
Moderator: Julian Wright (National University of Singapore). Discussant: Hanna Halaburda (NYU-Stern) 
- Tuesday, May 31, 2022: Meng Liu (Washington University in St Louis)Designing Quality Certificates: Insights from eBay (With Xiang Hui and Ginger Zhe Jin)
Moderator: Andrey Fradkin (Boston University). Discussant: Michael Luca (Harvard Business School)
- Tuesday, May 17, 2022: Katryn Spier (Harvard Law School)Holding Platforms Liable (with Xinyu Hua)
Moderator: Andrei Hagiu (Boston University). Discussant: Yassine Lefouili (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Tuesday, May 3, 2022: Zhijun Chen (Monash University), Privacy Costs and Consumer Data Acquisition: An Economic Analysis of Data Privacy Regulation
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of Economics). Discussant: Jay Pil Choi (Michigan State University)
- Tuesday, April 19, 2022: Leon Musolff (Princeton University)Entry Into Two-Sided Markets Shaped By Platform-Guided Search (with Kwok Hao Lee)
Moderator: Chiara Farronato (Harvard Business School). Discussant: Michael Dinerstein (University of Chicago)
- Tuesday, April 5, 2022: Yao Cui (Cornell University)Should Gig Platforms Decentralize Dispute Resolution? (with Wee Kiat Lee)
Moderator: Greg Taylor (University of Oxford). Discussant: Andrei Hagiu (Boston University) 
- Tuesday, March 22, 2022: Renata Gaineddenova (University of Wisconsin-Madison)Pricing and Efficiency in a Decentralized Ride-Hailing Platform
Moderator: Feng Zhu (Harvard Business School). Discussant: Alex Smolin (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Tuesday, March 8, 2022: Ben Casner (Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission)Content-Hosting Platforms: Discovery, Membership, or Both? (with Tat-How Teh)
Moderator: Alexandre De Cornière (Toulouse School of Economics). Discussant: Pinar Yildirim (The Wharton School)
- Tuesday, February 22, 2022: Huan Tang (London School of Economics)The Supply and Demand for Data Privacy: Evidence from Mobile Apps (with Bo Bian and Xinchen Ma)
Moderator: Tiffany Tsai (NUS). Discussant: Jorge Padilla (Compass Lexecon)
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Tuesday, February 8, 2022: Tobias Salz (MIT)The Economic Consequences of Data Privacy Regulation: Empirical Evidence from GDPR with Guy Aridor and Yeon-Koo Che.
Moderator: Chiara Farronato (Harvard Business School). Discussant: Johnson Garrett (Boston University)
- Tuesday, January 25, 2022: Federico Etro (Florence School of Economics and Management), Hybrid Marketplace with Free Entry of Sellers
Moderator: Özlem Bedre-Defolie (ESMT-Berlin). Discussant: Yusuke Zennyo (Kobe University)
- Tuesday, January 11, 2022: Allen Vong (University of Macau)Perverse Ethical Concerns: Online Misinformation and Offline Conflicts (with Dongkyu Chang)
Moderator: Greg Taylor (University of Oxford). Discussant: Sunny Huang (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
- Tuesday, December 14, 2021: Holiday break - Tuesday, December 28, 2021: Holiday break
- Tuesday, November 30, 2021: Erik Madsen (New York University), Insider Imitation (with Nikhil Vellodi)
Moderator: Özlem Bedre-Defolie (ESMT-Berlin). Discussant: Justin Johnson (Cornell University)
- Tuesday, November 16, 2021: Kohei Kawaguchi (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Merger Analysis in the App Economy: An Empirical Model of Ad-Sponsored Media (with Toshifumi Kuroda and Susumu Sato)
Moderator: Shota Ichihashi (Bank of Canada). Discussant: Daniel Ershov (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Tuesday, November 2, 2021: Timothy Simcoe (Boston University), Complementary Multi-Sided Platforms (with Doh-Shin Jeon, Yassine Lefouili and Yaxin Li)
Moderator: Hanna Halaburda (New-York Stern). Discussant: Alex White (Tsinghua University)
- Tuesday, October 19, 2021: Ginger Zhe Jin (University of Maryland), Platform as a Rule Maker: Evidence from Airbnb's Cancellation Policies (with Jian Jia and Liad Wagman)
Moderator: Andrey Fradkin (Boston University). Discussant: Konrad Stahl (University of Mannheim)
- Tuesday, October 5, 2021: Thomas Philippon (New-York University), Data Sharing and Market Power with Two-Sided Platforms (with Rishabh Kirpalani)
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of Economics). Discussant: Shota Ichihashi (Bank of Canada).
- Tuesday, September 21, 2021: Jacopo Bregolin (Toulouse School of Economics), Authority and Delegation in Online Communities
Moderator: Chiara Farronato (Harvard Business School. Discussant: Kevin Boudreau (Northeastern University)
- Tuesday, September 7, 2021: Alexander White (Tsinghua University), Optional Intermediaries and Pricing Restraints (with Chang Liu and Fengshi Niu)
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of Economics). Discussant: Julian Wright (National University of Singapore)
- Tuesday, August 10, 2021: Holiday break
- Tuesday, August 24, 2021: Holiday break
- Tuesday, July 27, 2021: Hanna Halaburda (NYU-Stern), Will Blockchain Disrupt Platform Businesses?
 Moderator: Greg Taylor (University of Oxford). Discussant: Andrei Hagiu (Boston University)
- Tuesday, July 13, 2021: Leonardo Madio (University of Padova), The Economics of Platform Liability (with Yassine Lefouili)
Moderator: Emilio Calvano (University of Bologna). Discussant: Kathryn Spier (Harvard Law School)
- Tuesday, June 29, 2021: Tat-How Teh (National University of Singapore), Multihoming and Oligopolistic Platform Competition (with Chunchun Liu, Julian Wright and Junjie Zhou)
Moderator: Andrei Hagiu (Boston University). Discussant: Markus Reisinger (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)
- Tuesday, June 15, 2021: Susan Athey (Stanford University), Platform Annexation (with Fiona Scott Morton)
Moderator: Julian Wright (National University of Singapore). Discussant: Steven C. Salop (Georgetown University Law Center)
- Tuesday, June 1, 2021: Arun Sundararajan (New-York University), The Limits of Centralized Pricing in Online Marketplaces and the Value of User Control (with Apostolos Filippas Fordham and Srikanth Jagabathula)
Moderator: Andrey Fradkin (Boston University). Discussant: Shane Greenstein (Harvard Business School)
- Tuesday, May 18, 2021: Kai Hao Yang (Yale University), Equivalence in Business Models for Informational Intermediaries
Moderator: Emilio Calvano (University of Bologna). Discussant: Daniele Condorelli (University of Warwick)
- Tuesday, April 20, 2021: John J. Horton (MIT Sloan & NBER), Pricing in Designed Markets: The Case of Ride-Sharing (with Jonathan V. Hall and Daniel T. Knoepfle)
Moderator: Marc Rysman (Boston University). Discussant: Juan Camilo Castillo (University of Pennsylvania)
- Tuesday, April 6, 2021: Shota Ichihashi (Bank of Canada), Addictive Platforms (with Byung-Cheol Kim)
Moderator: Greg Taylor (University of Oxford). Discussant: Tommaso Valletti (Imperial College Business School)
- Tuesday, March 23, 2021: Hsin-Tien Tsai (NUS), Steering via Algorithmic Recommendations (with Nan Chen)
Moderator: Chiara Farronato (Harvard Business School). Discussant: Daniel Ershov (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Tuesday, March 9, 2021: Alessandro Bonatti (MIT), The Economics of Social Data (with Dirk Bergemann and Tan Gan)
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of Economics). Discussant: Jay Pil Choi (Michigan State University)
- Tuesday, February 23, 2021: Ulrich Laitenberger (Telecom-ParisTech), Vertical Integration of Platforms and Product Prominence" (with Morgane Cure, Matthias Hunold, Reinhold Kesler and Thomas Larrieu)
Moderator: Feng Zhu (Harvard Business School). Discussant: Marc Ivaldi (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Tuesday, February 9, 2021: Ruslan Momot (HEC Paris), Digital Privacy (with Itay P. Fainmesser and Andrea Galeotti)
Moderator: Greg Taylor (University of Oxford). Discussant: Alex Smolin (Toulouse School of Economics)
- Tuesday, January 26, 2021: Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago), Kill Zone, (with Sai Krishna Kamepalli and Raghuram Rajan)
Moderator: Özlem Bedre-Defolie (ESMT-Berlin). Discussant: Luis Cabral (NYU Stern)
- Tuesday, January 12, 2021: Oren Reshef (Washington University in St Louis), Smaller Slices of a Growing Pie: The Effects of Entry in Platform Markets
Moderator: Andrey Fradkin (Boston University). Discussant: John Horton (MIT Sloan School of Management)
- Tuesday, December 29, 2020: Break

- Tuesday, December 15, 2020: Özlem Bedre-Defolie (ESMT-Berlin), Hybrid Platform Model (with Simon Anderson)
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of Economics). Discussant: Heski Bar-Isaac (University of Toronto)

- Tuesday, December 1, 2020: Seth Benzell (MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy), How to Govern Facebook: A Structural Model for Taxing and Regulating Big Tech (with Avinash Collis)
Moderator: Hanna Halaburda (NYU-Stern). Discussant: Alex White (Tsinghua University)
- Tuesday, November 17, 2020: Jay Pil Choi (Michigan State University), Two-Sided Platforms and Biases in Technology Adoption (with Doh-Shin Jeon)
Moderator: Andrei Hagiu (Boston University). Discussant: Martin Peitz (University of Mannheim)
- Tuesday, November 3, 2020: Zhijun Chen (Monash University), Data-Driven Mergers and Personalization (with C. Choe, J. Cong and N. Matsushima) 
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of Economics). Discussant: Greg Taylor (University of Oxford)
- Tuesday, October 20, 2020: Benjamin Leyden (Cornell University), Platform Design and Innovation Incentives: Evidence from the Product Ratings System on Apple's App Store
Moderator: Andrei Hagiu (Boston University). Discussant: Georgios Zervas (Boston University)
- Tuesday, October 6, 2020: Gregory Lewis (Microsoft Research), The Supply and Demand Effects of Review Platforms (with Georgios Zervas)
Moderator: Andrey Fradkin (Boston University). Discussant: Chiara Farronato (Harvard Business School)
- Tuesday, September 22, 2020: Andrew Rhodes (Toulouse School of Economics), Platform Design when Sellers Use Pricing Algorithm (with Justin Johnson and Matthijs Wildenbeest) 
Moderator: Hanna Halaburda (NYU-Stern). Discussant: Alexander MacKay (Harvard Business School)
- Tuesday, September 8, 2020: Nikhil Vellodi (Princeton University and Paris School of Economics), Rating Design and Barriers to entry, 
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of University). Discussant: Maryam Saeedi (Carnegie Mellon University)
- Tuesday, August 25, 2020: (Cancelled for EEA 2020)
- Tuesday, August 11, 2020: (Break)

- Tuesday, July 28, 2020: Ananya Sen (Carnegie Mellon University), The Editor vs. the Algorithm: Economic Returns to Data and Externalities in Online News (with Jörg Claussen and Christian Peukert)
Moderator: Feng Zhu (Harvard Business School)

- Wednesday, July 15, 2020: Lester Chan (Boston University), Divide and Conquer in Two-Sided Markets: A Potential-Game Approach
Moderator: Hanna Halaburda (NYU-Stern)
- Tuesday, June 30, 2020: Andrey Fradkin (Boston University) Dog Eat Dog: Measuring Returns to Scale Using a Digital Platform Merger (with Chiara Farronato and Jessica Fong)
Moderator: Feng Zhu (Harvard Business School)
- Tuesday, June 16, 2020: Maryam Saeedi (Canergie Mellon University), Optimal Rating Systems on Platforms (with Hugo Hopenhayn)
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of University)
- Tuesday, June 2, 2020: Özlem Bedre-Defolie (ESMT-Berlin), Platform Competion for Exclusivity with a Marquee Seller (with Gary Biglaiser)
Moderator: Hanna Halaburda (NYU-Stern)
- Tuesday, May 19, 2020: Renato Gomes (Toulouse School of Economics), Regulating Platform Fees under Price Parity (with Andrea Mantovani)
Moderator: Andrei Hagiu (Boston University)
- Tuesday, May 5, 2020: Hui Li (Carnegie Mellon University), Information Transparency, Multi-Homing, and Platform Competition: A Natural Experiment in the Daily Deals Market (with Feng Zhu) 
Moderator: Marc Rysman (Boston University)
- Tuesday, April 21, 2020: Andrei Hagiu (Boston University), Data enabled learning, network effects and competitive advantage (with Julian Wright)
Moderator: Alexandre de Cornière (Toulouse School of Economics)