Here are the many sources and scientific publications related to the Issue 25 of TSE MAG.
- Setting out
Marcel Boyer, Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition: A Manifesto, 2023 (forthcoming in October).
Comments on Competition Policy and Labour Markets / Commentaires sur la politique de la concurrence et les marchés du travail, Marcel Boyer 2022.
Matt Ridley, The Rational Optimist, 2011.
Yuval Noah Harari, Sapiens, 2014.
- Training
Dynamic Effort Choice in High School: Costs and Benefits of an Academic Track, Olivier De Grotte, 2023.
Tracking and specialization of high schools: heterogeneous effects of school choice, Olivier De Groote, Koen Declercq, 2020.
- Navigating
Dual Labor Markets, Unemployment and Career Mobility, Eugenia González-Aguado, C. Busch, I. Gálvez-Iniesta, L. Visschers, 2016.
Jean Tirole and Olivier Blanchard, Major Future Economic Challenges, 2021.
- Inequalities
The Missing Men. World War I and Female Labor Force Participation, Victor Gay and Jörn Boehnke, 2022.
The Intergenerational Transmission of World War I on Female Labor, Victor Gay, 2023.
Underrepresentation of women in the economics profession more pronounced in the United States compared to heterogeneous Europe, Emmanuelle Auriol and G. Friebel, A. Weinberger and S. Wilhelm, 2022.
Plafond de verre et discrimination dans la profession des économistes, Emmanuelle Auriol, 2023.
The old boy network: are the professional networks of female executives less effective than men's for advancing their careers? Marie Lalanne, Paul Seabright, 2022.
Paul Seabright, The War on Sexes, 2012.
The motherhood wage and income traps. Francesca Barigozzi, Helmuth Cremer and Emmanuel Thibault, 2023.
- Pensions
La réforme des retraites est définitivement adoptée, après le rejet des motions de censures, Liaisons sociales Quotidien, 2023.
Débat autour de la réforme des retraites à l’université Toulouse Capitole, Mathieu Carpentier, Christian Gollier, Frédéric Guiomard et Zoé Jacquemin, 2023.
- Future
“Skills, Tasks and Technologies: Implications for Employment and Earnings.” In Handbook of Labor Economics. Vol. 4, Part B, ed. David Card and Orley Ashenfelter, 1043–1171. Daron Acemoglu and David H Autor. 2011.
Occupational, industry, and geographic exposure to artificial intelligence: A novel dataset and its potential uses, E. Felten, M. Raj, R. Seamans, 2021.
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Labor Market, M. Webb, 2020.
What Can Machines Learn, and What Does It Mean for Occupations and the Economy? E. Brynjolfsson, T. Mitchell, and D. Rock, 2018.
The Growth of Low-Skill Service Jobs and the Polarization of the US Labor Market, D. H. Autor and D. Dorn, 2013.
Fears about AI-mediated communication are grounded in different expectations for one’s own versus others’ use, Zoe A. Purcell and co-authors, 2023.
Humans feel too special for machines to score their morals, Zoe A. Purcell and Jean-François Bonnefon, 2023.
Humans judge, algorithms nudge: The psychology of behavior tracking acceptance, R. Raveendhran, N. J. Fast, 2021.