FALL start dates 2016 - 2017

July 11, 2016 Campus

All students need to know about the fall 2016-2017

Bachelor 1st year : The pre-start of the academic year will be on 9 September 2016 at the Toulouse Capitole University. First group: 8:15 am Amphi Mestre - Second group: 10h45 am Amphi Mestre.

Bachelor 1st and 2nd year : Courses will start on Monday 12 September.

To the attention of 1st year bachelor students (Economie-Gestion & Economie-Droit) : some mathematics skills are required before starting this new academic year. You can download the requirements list here.   Be careful : One exam will take place on Friday 16 September 2016.  

Bachelor 3rd year :
The welcome meetings will take place on Monday 5 September 2016amphitheater MBI.

9.00am to 9.30: Welcome by Stéphane Gregoir - School Dean (amphiteater MBI)

9.30am to 10.00am : introduction meeting by Christine Maurel, Bachelor program Director (Amphi. MBI)

10.00am to 10.45am : Students associations’presentations (Amphi. MBI).

BULATS tests will take place from Wednesday 14 September 2016 to Friday 16 September 2016. Students will be sent an invitation to take the test.

Master 1 et Master 2 :

The welcome meetings will take place on 5 September 2016.

From 8.30am to 9.00amamphi MB2: Welcome meeting with Stéphane Gregoir (School Dean) for International track Master 1 students
From 10.00am to 10.30am – amphi MB3 : Welcome meeting with Stéphane Gregoir (School Dean)  for Master 1 students (French-speakers’track only)
From 9.30am to 10.00am – amphi MB3Welcome meeting with Stéphane Gregoir (School Dean) for Master 2 students

Following the General welcome meetings, each Master 1 and Master 2 Program Director will organize a specific meeting with their students and then the Students’associations will also make a short presentation.  For meeting rooms see the agenda.

A welcome lunch will be offered to 3rd year bachelor, Master 1 & 2 students on Monday 5 September 2016 à 12h30 in the Manufacture Courtyard.

From 22 August 2016, refreshing classes in algebra, probabilities and optimization are organized for M1 and M2 students. Please have a look at the agenda. Probabilities syllabi (Ekaterina Volchkova) to download here. For Master 1 International Track, French language classes are offered every day from 22 August for 2 weeks (26/08, 1/09 and 2/09 excepted) from 3pm to 6pm rooms ME 208 and ME 204 (2 groups).

Alexandre De Cornière will present the opening lecture on Digital economics on Monday 5 September 2016 at 5.00pm in Amphi Cujas (Ancienne Faculté Campus, rue des puits creusés). This conference is for TSE students only

Pictures of the Fall 2015
