TSE has a long tradition of producing leading academic research in competition policy and regulation. Its faculty members have also contributed to improving the economic reasoning in regulatory debates and practices by acting as experts for agencies and courts, serving in advisory bodies, and training current and future members of public institutions. The TSE Competition Policy and Regulation Center gathers the academic and outreach activities of TSE in these areas and aims at promoting policy-relevant research and fostering interactions between academics and regulators.
Main activities
Scientific production
- Development of new knowledge resulting in academic publications
- Organization of scientific conferences and seminars
Dissemination of economic knowledge
- Production of outreach materials and the organization of events meant to inform practitioners, policy makers or a wider audience
- Participation of researchers in the public debate in France and internationally.
Research focuses
Competition Policy
- Objective: Our researchers produce and disseminate academic and policy papers on topics of interest to competition authorities. The target areas for investigation include the effects of mergers, agreements, and unilateral practices on competition and welfare. Special attention is paid to the policy implications regarding specific competition concerns.
Regulation for the Digital Era
- Objective: We study existing and contemplated regulations in digital technologies in many areas, including competition, privacy, consumer protection, and intellectual property enforcement. This program aims to highlight the key trade-offs that policymakers face when designing these regulations.
Regulation of Infrastructure and Network Industries
- Objective: We strive to advance research about the design of regulations that address the market failures preventing effective competition in infrastructure and network industries, such as telecommunications, transportation, and energy, which have characteristics that call for ex ante regulation.
Financial Intermediaries and Regulation
- Objective: Research in this area is focused on various topics related to monetary economics and aggregate liquidity, payment systems, prudential regulation, market finance and microstructure. Our aim is to deepen understanding of financial intermediation and the prevention of crises.