November 14–16, 2007
Toulouse, France
Preceding event
Susan Athey (Harvard University), The Fourth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Dynamic Contracts and Games with Hidden Information, Toulouse, France, January 16–18, 2007.
Succeeding event
Narayana Kocherlakota (University of Minnesota), The Sixth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: The New Dynamic Public Finance, Toulouse, France, March 17–19, 2008.
More information coming soon
List of communications
Steven Berry, “Applications to Public Policy”, The Fifth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Empirical Models of Product Differentiation, Toulouse, France, November 14–16, 2007.
Steven Berry, “Demand for Differentiated Products”, The Fifth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Empirical Models of Product Differentiation, Toulouse, France, November 14–16, 2007.
Steven Berry, “Product Choice and Product Variety”, The Fifth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Empirical Models of Product Differentiation, Toulouse, France, November 14–16, 2007.