January 16–18, 2007
Toulouse, France
Preceding event
Lars Peter Hansen, The Third Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Weathering Uncertainty in the Long Run, Toulouse, France, May 9–11, 2005.
Succeeding event
Steven Berry (Yale Department of Economics), The Fifth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Empirical Models of Product Differentiation, Toulouse, France, November 14–16, 2007.
More information coming soon
List of communications
Susan Athey (Harvard University), “Analyzing Dynamic Contracts and Games with Hidden Information: Methods, Efficient Contracts, and Folk Theorems”, The Fourth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Dynamic Contracts and Games with Hidden Information, Toulouse, France, January 16–18, 2007.
Susan Athey (Harvard University), “Dynamic Contracts with Hidden Information: Agency, Repeated Trade, and Public Finance”, The Fourth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Dynamic Contracts and Games with Hidden Information, Toulouse, France, January 16–18, 2007.
Susan Athey (Harvard University), “Dynamic Games with Hidden Information: Collusion, Policy Games, and Bargaining”, The Fourth Toulouse Lectures in Economics: Dynamic Contracts and Games with Hidden Information, Toulouse, France, January 16–18, 2007.