
2nd Health Economics Conference

June 19–20, 2024


Room Auditorium A3 JJ Laffont and Auditorium A4

Thank you!

The organizing committee thanks you all for your presence and involvement. We invite you to visit the events section to stay tuned for upcoming events.

The aim of the conference was to explore recent contributions in understanding the organization and regulation of healthcare and pharmaceutical sectors. It provided a platform for exchanging views on research findings that offer valuable insights for shaping health policies, particularly in connection with health investment and innovation.

Organizing committee

Pierre Dubois (TSE, CEPR)
Jean Tirole (TSE, CEPR)

Keynote speakers

"Health Beliefs and the Long Run Effect of Medical Information", with Manuela Puente

Jérôme Adda (Bocconi University)

"Regulatory innovation: using innovation policy to realign health care economics with today’s biomedical innovation ecosystem"

Ariel Stern (Harvard Business School)

Panel discussions

See video

See video

Call for papers (closed)

The organizing committee warmly thanks all applicants for their submissions. The selected publications were presented at the conference.

Conference venue

Toulouse School of Economics
1, Esplanade de l'Université
Auditoriums 3 & 4
31080 Toulouse Cedex 06



Conference secretariat: Marie-Hélène Dufour & Magali Bouley


We thank the "Investment for the Future Program" (Bpifrance for ARPEGE), the European Research Council (ERC) as well as the partners of the TSE Health Center for their support.