Prix de l'essence contre taxe carbone, l'heure des choix

June 27, 2022 Energie Christian Gollier

Prix de l'essence contre taxe carbone, l'heure des choix

Stratégie bas carbone : être à la fois lièvre et tortue

June 09, 2022 Environment Frédéric Cherbonnier

Stratégie bas carbone : être à la fois lièvre et tortue

The redistributive effects of real-time electricity pricing

May 25, 2022 Energy Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes

The redistributive effects of real-time electricity pricing

Do we do enough for future generations?

May 25, 2022 Climate Christian Gollier

Do we do enough for future generations?

How to invest in our future

May 19, 2022 Energy transition Frédéric Cherbonnier & Christian Gollier

How to invest in our future

Can private finance heal the infrastructure gap?

May 19, 2022 Development Stéphane Straub & David Martimort & Marianne Fay

Can private finance heal the infrastructure gap?

How can regulators improve public services?

May 18, 2022 Public policy Emmanuelle Auriol & Claude Crampes

How can regulators improve public services?

Decoupling: the good news from the last IPCC report

April 27, 2022 Energy transition Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes

Decoupling: the good news from the last IPCC report

What is the fundamental value of cryptocurrencies?

April 25, 2022 Finance Bruno Biais & Christophe Bisière & Matthieu Bouvard & Catherine Casamatta & Albert J. Menkveld

What is the fundamental value of cryptocurrencies?

Guerre en Ukraine : pour quelques terawattheures de plus

April 19, 2022 Europe Christian Gollier

Guerre en Ukraine : pour quelques terawattheures de plus