The proper use of penalties for infringement of competition rules in the energy sector

May 16, 2024 Energy Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes

The proper use of penalties for infringement of competition rules in the energy sector

Energy communities, a tool to fight climate change

April 19, 2024 Energy Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes

Energy communities, a tool to fight climate change

France and the European electricity market

March 13, 2024 Energy Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes

France and the European electricity market

Sub-Saharan Africa and the challenges of global warming

January 12, 2024 Energy Claude Crampes & Antonio Estache

Sub-Saharan Africa and the challenges of global warming

Electricity markets in 2022

December 12, 2023 Energy Stefan Ambec & Claude Crampes

Electricity markets in 2022

When will hydrogen aircraft be ready for take off?

December 11, 2023 Energy Estelle Malavolti & Shangrong Chen & Sai Bravo & Romain Mongeau

When will hydrogen aircraft be ready for take off?

Electricity market reform: promoting investment while maintaining the price signal

November 29, 2023 Energy Claude Crampes & Stefan Ambec & Jean Tirole

Electricity market reform: promoting investment while maintaining the price signal

Auctions for offshore wind power

September 12, 2023 Energy Claude Crampes & Stefan Ambec

Auctions for offshore wind power

The intricacies of the environmental performance of buildings

May 19, 2023 Energy Claude Crampes & Mathias Laffont

The intricacies of the environmental performance of buildings

Can supergrids save the planet?

May 12, 2023 Energy Stefan Ambec &

Can supergrids save the planet?