Wei Lu, and Daniel L. Chen, “Motivated reasoning in the field: polarization of prose, precedent, and policy in U.S. Circuit Courts, 1891–2013”, Plos One, vol. 20(3), n. e0318790., March 2025.
Manuel Ramos-Maqueda, and Daniel L. Chen, “The data revolution in justice”, World Development, vol. 186, n. 106834, February 2025.
Giacomo Lemoli, “Ethnic Media and the Mobilization of Identity”, Comparative Political Studies, 2025, forthcoming.
Mengchen Dong, Jane Conway, Jean-François Bonnefon, Azim Shariff, and Iyad Rahwan, “Fears about Artificial Intelligence across 20 countries and six domains of application”, American Psychologist, 2025, forthcoming.
Jean-François Bonnefon, Augustin Landier, Parinitha Sastry, and David Thesmar, “The moral preferences of investors: Experimental evidence. Journal of Financial Economics”, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 163, n. 103955, January 2025.