David Bardey, and Philippe De Donder, “Personalized Medicine and Prevention: Can Cross-Subsidies Survive in the Health Insurance Markets?”, Canadian Journal of Economics, Toronto, 2024, Toronto, forthcoming.
Martin Boyer, Philippe De Donder, Claude Fluet, Pierre-Carl Michaud, and Marie-Louise Leroux, “La mauvaise perception des risques de longévité et de dépendance ne suffit pas à expliquer la faiblesse du marché de l'assurance dépendance (au Canada)”, Revue d'économie financière, vol. 152, n. 4, November 2023, pp. 185–201.
Martin Boyer, Philippe De Donder, Claude Fluet, Marie-Louise Leroux, and Pierre-Carl Michaud, “Long-Term Care Insurance: Information Frictions and Selection”, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, vol. 12, n. 3, August 2020, pp. 134–169.
Martin Boyer, Philippe De Donder, Claude Fluet, Marie-Louise Leroux, and Pierre-Carl Michaud, “A Canadian Parlor Room–Type Approach to the Long-Term-Care Insurance Puzzle”, Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques, vol. 45, n. 2, June 2019, pp. 262–282.
Martin Boyer, Philippe De Donder, Claude Fluet, Marie-Louise Leroux, and Pierre-Carl Michaud, “Long Term Care Risk Misperceptions”, The Geneva papers of Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practise, vol. 44, n. 2, April 2019, pp. 183–215.
Philippe De Donder, and Eugenio Peluso, “Politically sustainable targeted transfers”, Public Choice, vol. 174, n. 3, 2018, pp. 301–313.
Philippe De Donder, and Marie-Louise Leroux, “The political choice of social long term care transfers when family gives time and money”, Social Choice and Welfare, vol. 49, n. 3-4, December 2017, pp. 755–786.
Philippe De Donder, and John E. Roemer, “The dynamics of capital accumulation in the US: Simulations after Piketty”, Journal of Economic Inequality, vol. 15, n. 2, June 2017, pp. 121–141.
Philippe De Donder, and Pierre Pestieau, “Private, social and self insurance for long-term care in the presence of family help”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, vol. 19, n. 1, February 2017, pp. 18–37.
Philippe De Donder, Soterios Soteri, and Frank Rodriguez, “An Examination of the Links Between Postal Price Constraints, Efficiency, Competition and Public Welfare”, in The Changing Postal and Delivery Sector: Towards A Renaissance, Timothy J. Brennan, Michael A. Crew, and Pier Luigi Parcu (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing, chapter 4, 2017, pp. 51–66.
Helmuth Cremer, and Philippe De Donder, “Life expectancy heterogeneity and the political support for collective annuities”, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, vol. 118, July 2016, pp. 594–615.
Philippe De Donder, and John E. Roemer, “An allegory of the political influence of the top 1%”, Business and Politics, vol. 18, “1”, April 2016, pp. 85–96.
Claire Borsenberger, Helmuth Cremer, Philippe De Donder, and Denis Joram, “Differentiated pricing of delivery services in the e-commerce sector”, in The Future of the Postal Sector in a Digital World, Timothy J. Brennan, and Michael A. Crew (eds.), chapter 13, 2016, pp. 191–211.
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