Working paper

Network Centrality and Device Ecosystems

Doh-Shin Jeon, Yassine Lefouili, Yaxin Li, and Timothy Simcoe


We develop a model of a device ecosystem to study how network structure affects demand, pricing, and output for the underlying products. Prices depend on each device's Katz-Bonacich centrality in a network defined by the demand-side externalities linking devices. We show how the relevant network differs for an ecosystem monopolist, a social planner, a regulator that sets Ramsey prices, or a "decentralized'' ecosystem where devices sell at marginal cost. Finally, we extend our baseline model by adding complementary goods and allowing for imperfect competition among downstream device producers.


Ecosystem; Multi-sided Market; Network; Centrality;

JEL codes

  • D21: Firm Behavior: Theory
  • D42: Monopoly
  • D85: Network Formation and Analysis: Theory
  • L12: Monopoly • Monopolization Strategies


Doh-Shin Jeon, Yassine Lefouili, Yaxin Li, and Timothy Simcoe, Network Centrality and Device Ecosystems, TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1468, September 2023, revised January 2025.

Published in

TSE Working Paper, n. 23-1468, September 2023, revised January 2025