Frontier science

10 TSE researchers are currently funded by the ERC.

- ERC "Starting Grants"

support up-and-coming research leaders who are about to establish or consolidate a proper research team and to start conducting independent research in Europe. The scheme targets promising researchers who have the proven potential of becoming independent research leaders. It supports the creation of excellent new research teams and strengthens others that have been recently created. 

Hosted by the Foundation JJ Jaffont or by the Laboratory TSE-R:

- ERC "Advanced Grants"

allow exceptional established research leaders of any nationality and any age to pursue ground-breaking, high-risk projects that open new directions in their respective research fields or other domains. The ERC Advanced Grant funding targets researchers who have already established themselves as independent research leaders in their own right.

- ERC "Consolidator Grants"

- ERC "Synergy Grants"


TSE receives significant support from the National Agency (ANR) of Research, the main funder of public research and research partnerships in France.

TSE researchers are involved in research projects funded by the ANR. (Hosted by the Foundation JJ Jaffont or by the Laboratory TSE-R):

The TSE research teams are involved in H2020 projects.


This specific programme supports all types of research activities led by research organisations through transnational cooperation. Their aim is to build and consolidate leadership in scientific and technological fields. The funding of socio-economics and social science projects contribute to more in-depth study and a wider comprehension of complex and independent socio-economic challenges that Europe is currently facing.

 "Investissements d'avenir", French government funding program

In 2010, as part of its €57bn. Investments for the Future program prominently dedicated to research and higher education, the French government launched an ambitious and extensive tender for applications to select the most promising research clusters and units, the laboratories of excellence (LABEX = laboratoires d’excellence). The tender resulted in the award of 171 multi-year LABEX across all disciplines, selected by an international selection jury.

TSE received two of the largest LABEX grants:

a. LABEX IAM-TSE (Incentives, Agents, Markets) was awarded in 2012 with a 15 M€ funding commitment over 8 years for TSE, the largest among the 71 grants in the second wave of LABEX grant awards.

b. LABEX IAST was awarded in 2011 with a 25 M€ funding commitment over 9 years, the third largest among the 100 grants in the first wave of LABEX grants. It enabled the creation of the interdisciplinary Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse (IAST), a brainchild of Jean Tirole in which the economists of TSE play a prominent role. IAST and its LABEX funding are presented on the IAST website


In 2017, the French government launched another Investments for the Future program to support the creation of innovative and impactful research-based graduate schools: « Ecoles universitaires de recherche » (EUR). TSE's proposal was selected for the "CHESS" project: Toulouse Graduate School Challenges in Economics and Quantitative Social Sciences. The project, soon to be underway, has received a 10,8 M€ funding commitment over 10 years.


ARPEGE, a French multidisciplinary consortium led by the French biotech Antabio and conducted jointly with bioMérieux, the Hospices Civils de Lyon and TSE, aims to develop a set of solutions designed to strengthen the capacity of healthcare institutions to fight antibiotic resistance. To develop this project, the consortium has received public funding under the "PSPC" call for projects operated on behalf of the French government by Bpifrance as part of the 'investments for the future' program (PIA).

ARPEGE is the french acronym for Economic, diagnostic and therapeutic approach to antibiotic resistance. This pioneering project combines preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic and economic approaches, thus aiming to provide a multidisciplinary solution to the problem of antibiotic resistance. It is of major importance for public health, structuring innovation capacities and strengthening health systems through an innovative model.

Research carried out by TSE will focus on the identification of new economic models adapted to innovations developed in the antibiotic resistance sector.

According to Jean Tirole, Honorary President of TSE and winner of the 2014 Nobel Prize in Economics, "Antibiotic resistance is a major societal problem, and my colleagues and I are delighted to put forth economics towards project ARPEGE to propose long-term solutions to improve global health."

Contacts: Pierre Dubois and Jean Tirole

Project duration: 2021-2025

TSE is also coordinator or partner in various projects ranging from local projects to international projects 


  1. David Austen-Smith:IDACC - Information, Deliberation and Collective Choice
  2. James HammittAMEP – «Advancing Methods for Evaluating Environmental/health policy and wealth» 
  3. Jorgen Weibull: – “Evolution and stability of moral values,social norms and wealth” 


Jérôme Bolte receives several "Air Force" US Government Grants for his research. eg: Grant Air Force, PI, (2022-2025) FA8655-22-1-7012, ”Nonsmooth differential calculus for robustness in Machine Learning”